Going: Your Way

Price List

For further information please call me directly or alternatively head to the contact page and fill out the form. I am here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

End-of-Life Coaching & Funeral Advocacy

Initial Individual Coaching Consultation (up to two people)

  • $150 for a 1.5-hour meeting (in-person or video call)

Initial Family Coaching or Funeral Advocacy Consultation

  • $250 for a 1.5-hour meeting (in-person or video call)

Ongoing Rates:

  • $100 per hour (invoiced in 15-min or part thereof increments of $25)
  • $60 per hour for non-client contact research, admin, note collation, third-party contact (invoiced in 15-min or part thereof increments of $15)

Ongoing Consultation Packages:

  • $95 per hour for 5 hours, total $475
  • $90 per hour for 10 hours, total $900
  • $85 per hour for 20 hours, total $1700
  • $80 per hour for 30 hours, total $2400

Funeral Celebrant

$1000 inclusive, including initial phone discussion, family meeting, preparation of funeral/memorial service, liaison with (speakers, funeral directors, venue contacts, caterers, audio-visual technicians, conducting funeral/memorial service, committal at graveside if required. (Living-funerals price by negotiation).

Palliative & Aged Care Aromatherapy

Initial Individual Consultation

  • $100 for a 1-hour consultation/planning meeting/review meetings (in-person or video call)
  • $60 per hour for non-client contact research and development of aromatherapy treatment plan. Includes recommendations for and preparation of inhalation/diffusion, topical applications, spritzers, bathing and soaking, lotions and creams targeted to specific disease or treatment symptoms, both physical and psychological. (Invoiced in 15-min or part thereof increments of $15)

Carrier oils, essential oils, jars, bottles, diffusers, etc. at discount prices if required.

Prices include travel time up to 25 kms from Melbourne CBD, then negotiable.