Privacy Policy

I will value and respect your privacy. I undertake to take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of people utilising my services and supplying information, and to keep that information confidential and secure. This policy is designed to protect your information. It sets out what type of information I might collect, how I may use it, and how I will store it.

The Privacy Policy applies to my website and to information held by Going: Your Way relating to my clients and others involved in my client’s care. This information may be obtained via person-to-person discussion, video link, email, voicemail, texts (SMS) or from information provided during a client interview or from information provided by the client completing an on-line or hard copy form.

a. Collection of Personal Information

I collect personal information about my clients for the purpose of providing services as outlined on the website. This information is obtained from my clients when engaging with my services. I will only collect personal information necessary to deliver my services.

I may collect the following types of personal information, including but not limited to:  

  • Name, address, date-of-birth, mobile phone number, and email address of client(s).
  • Name, mobile phone number, and email address of family, friends, caregivers, Medical Treatment Decision Maker(s), and Medical Support Persons.
  • Details of the client’s current medical status and history including but not limited to:
    • Current medical diagnosis
    • Other medical and/or psychological conditions
    • Current and past medical treatments
    • Allergies and sensitivities
    • Names and contact details of medical and allied health staff and members of community organisations providing care to the client
    • A copy of a client’s Advance Care Directive
    • Details of the client’s views about their end-of-life journey, death, and after-death care
  • Details about a deceased person for the purposes of acting as a funeral and/or memorial celebrant, including names and contact information about their funeral director, and others proposed to be involved in that service for the purposes of writing a eulogy and an order of service.
  • Other information provided by the client that is required to provide requested services.

I may also from time to time collect sensitive information such as philosophical or religious beliefs or affiliations and values, but only on a voluntary basis. (A client’s values statement me be included in their Advance Care Plan).

b. Use of Personal Information

I use personal information to provide services. I may also use personal contact information to notify individuals of information and opportunities they may be interested in; for example, sending a newsletter or a notice of a meeting, or other events relating to the general business provided by Going: Your Way.

My policy is not to provide personal information to third parties. De-identified data may be used for the purposes of internal reporting and improvement of services.

c. Third Party Use of Personal Information

I am not responsible for the practices or content of other services or sites that are operated by third parties but which are linked to my website. If I am linked to third party services or sites, then it does not necessarily constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by me of the content, policies or practices of those services or sites. If you leave my website via such a link, you should check the privacy policy of the third-party site.

d. Security of Personal Information

I will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, interference and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Only authorised personnel are provided with access to an individuals’ personal information. Where personal information is no longer required by me, I will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify information for retention and disposal.

Have you or one of your loved ones been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness?

Elderly couple