Personal Code of Conduct

  • To provide services in a courteous, respectful, and authentic manner – It’s about treating others the way I would like to be treated. Being an attentive listener, being fully present emotionally and treating clients with dignity and in a non-judgemental way. I want clients to feel psychologically safe and in control of their own choices around end-of-life options.
  • To be aware of my own scope of practice and refer appropriately – It’s about me understanding what an End-of-Life Coach is and does and what they don’t do. Ensuring that boundaries with colleagues from other disciplines are not blurred. Maintaining currency and fully researching options and not offering advice/support in areas I am not qualified to.
  • To maintain an ethical approach at all times– This includes providing information about other options/services the client may wish to access, ensuring the client informs their health-care providers of decisions made and only advocating on matters that meet the client’s stated needs. All information provided about qualifications, training or professional affiliations must be truthful.
  • To deliver services that do no further harm to the client – Client’s may be physically and/or psychologically impaired, and it is important that any engagement with the client seeks to support their wellbeing in alignment with any other services they are sourcing. It is critical that no behaviour of a sexual or close personal nature occurs.
  • To maintain currency in my own knowledge and of industry norms – Initial training is just the launch pad for offering professional services. It is important to be aware of new products/techniques and understand the regulatory environment that may pertain to my practice.Membership of relevant associations and participating in professional community events/webinars add gravitas and ensures currency.
  • To provide information that will allow client to make informed choices - The client needs to understand what I am proposing/suggesting, be aware of any risks and make informed choices that align with their individual needs and sit within their comfort zone. No undue influence should be exerted to convince a client to accept treatment or services that I may believe would be helpful but to which they have concerns about their efficacy or safety, or don’t align with their personal values and beliefs.
  • To provide an environment free from physical risk - Apart from any physical environment, this includes high level infection control adherence, not working if experiencing a serious illness or possibly infectious and managing any mandatory vaccination guidelines.
  • To ensure quality records are maintained and stored securely – This includes records made of client contact and visits and notes made of client wishes and preferences. It is essential to maintain privacy and confidentiality including of records which are stored in a home office in a locked safe. All redundant documents will be shredded.

Have you or one of your loved ones been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness?

Elderly couple